Uses of Interface

Packages that use ImageLoader.ImageListener   

Uses of ImageLoader.ImageListener in

Methods in that return ImageLoader.ImageListener
static ImageLoader.ImageListener ImageLoader.getImageListener(ImageView view, int defaultImageResId, int errorImageResId)
          The default implementation of ImageListener which handles basic functionality of showing a default image until the network response is received, at which point it will switch to either the actual image or the error image.

Methods in with parameters of type ImageLoader.ImageListener
 ImageLoader.ImageContainer ImageLoader.get(String requestUrl, ImageLoader.ImageListener listener)
          Returns an ImageContainer for the requested URL.
 ImageLoader.ImageContainer ImageLoader.get(String requestUrl, ImageLoader.ImageListener imageListener, int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
          Issues a bitmap request with the given URL if that image is not available in the cache, and returns a bitmap container that contains all of the data relating to the request (as well as the default image if the requested image is not available).

Constructors in with parameters of type ImageLoader.ImageListener
ImageLoader.ImageContainer(Bitmap bitmap, String requestUrl, String cacheKey, ImageLoader.ImageListener listener)
          Constructs a BitmapContainer object.